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Not is used with verbs to form negative sentences.
You put not after the first auxiliary verb or modal, if there is one.
If there is no other auxiliary verb, you use do as the auxiliary verb. After not you use the base form of a verb.
In conversation, when not is used after be, have, do, or a modal, it is not usually pronounced in full. When you write down what someone says, you usually represent not as n't and add it to the verb in front of it. In some cases, the verb also changes its form.
You nearly always use an auxiliary verb when you want to make a negative form of a verb using not. Don't say, for example, 'I not liked it' or 'I liked not it'. You say 'I didn't like it'.
There are two exceptions to this. When you use not with be, don't use an auxiliary verb. You simply put not after be.
When have is a main verb, not is sometimes added without an auxiliary verb, but only in the short forms hasn't, haven't, and hadn't.
However, it is more common to use the forms doesn't have, don't have, and didn't have.
Be Careful!
When you use not to make what you are saying negative, you don't usually use another negative word such as 'nothing', 'never', or 'none'. Don't say, for example, 'I don't know nothing about it'. You say 'I don't know anything about it'.
You can make a negative statement more polite or less strong by using really after not.
You can reply to some questions by saying 'Not really'.
When you make a negative statement using not and an adjective, you can make the statement less strong by putting very in front of the adjective.
Be Careful!
Although you can say that something is not very good, don't use 'not' in front of other words meaning 'very good'. Don't say, for example, that something is 'not excellent' or 'not marvellous'.
You can use not with a to-infinitive. You put not in front of to, not after it.
You can use not to link two words or expressions. You do this to point out that something is the case, and to contrast it with what is not the case.
You can make a similar contrast by changing the order of the words or expressions. When you do this, you put not in front of the first word or expression and but in front of the second one.
You can use not with surprisingly and unexpectedly to make a negative comment about a statement.
Not is sometimes used with all and with words beginning with every- to form the subject of a sentence. For example, instead of saying 'Some snakes are not poisonous', you can say 'Not all snakes are poisonous'.
Not only is often used with but or but also to link two words or phrases.
You can use not at the end of a short reply in order to give your opinion. For example, you can say 'I hope not', 'Probably not', or 'Certainly not'.
Adv. | 1. | not - negation of a word or group of words; "he does not speak French"; "she is not going"; "they are not friends"; "not many"; "not much"; "not at all" |
[nɒt] ADVI'm not sure → no estoy seguro
he's not here; he isn't here → no está aquí
it wasn't me → yo no fui
it's too late, isn't it? → es demasiado tarde, ¿no?
you owe me money, don't you? → me debes dinero, ¿verdad? or (esp LAm) ¿no es cierto?
she won't go; she will not go → no irá
I don't think she'll come now → ya no creo que venga
he asked me not to do it → me pidió que no lo hiciera
fear not! → ¡no temas!
I hope not → espero que no
I suppose not → supongo que no
to tell sb not to do sth → decir a algn que no haga algo
I think not → creo que no
not thinking that → sin pensar que ...
not me/you → yo/tú no
not I! → ¡yo no!
not everybody can do it → no lo puede hacer cualquiera, no todos pueden hacerlo
not any more → ya no
see also even B3
absolutely not! → ¡en absoluto!
not at all (after verb) → no ... en absoluto; (responding to thanks) → ¡de nada!, ¡no hay de qué!
I don't mind at all → no me importa en absoluto
it doesn't hurt at all → no duele nada de nada, no duele para nada
"are you cold?" - "not at all!" → -¿tienes frío? -¡en absoluto! or -¡qué va!
"you don't mind?" - "not at all!" → -¿no te importa? -¡en absoluto!
he's not at all selfish → no es nada egoísta
certainly not! → ¡en absoluto!
of course not! → ¡claro que no!
not a few → no pocos ...
not for anything (in the world) → por nada (del mundo)
not guilty → no culpable
the not inconsiderable sum of £30,000 → la nada despreciable suma de 30.000 libras
not likely! → ¡ni hablar!
with not a little surprise → con no poca sorpresa
are you coming or not? → ¿vienes o no?
whether you go or not → tanto si vas como si no
"did you like it?" - "not really" → -¿te gustó? -no mucho
big, not to say enormous → grande, por no decir enorme
the young and the not so young → los jóvenes y los no tan jóvenes
I shan't be sorry to see the last of him → no voy a sentirlo cuando lo pierda de vista
not that I don't like him → no es que no me guste
not that I know of → no que yo sepa
why not? → ¿por qué no?
not without some regrets → no sin cierto pesar
not yet → todavía no
they haven't arrived yet → todavía no han llegado
see also likely B
see also mention B
see also much B1
see also only B6
[ˈnɒt] advI'm not sure → Je ne suis pas sûr.
You must not do this → Tu ne dois pas faire ça.
He isn't at home.; He's not at home → Il n'est pas chez lui.
It's not raining.; It isn't raining → Il ne pleut pas.
You shouldn't do that → Tu ne devrais pas faire ça.
They haven't arrived yet → Ils ne sont pas encore arrivés.
Are you coming or not? → Est-ce que tu viens ou pas?
I hope not → j'espère que non
"Can you lend me £10?" - "I'm afraid not." → "Est-ce que tu peux me prêter dix livres?" - "Non, désolé."
not at all → pas du tout; (in answer to thanks) → de rien
Thank you. - Not at all → Merci. - De rien.; (denying or contradicting) → pas du tout
No, not at all → Non, pas du tout.
not really → pas vraiment
"Did you like the film?" - "Not really." → "Tu as aimé le film?" - "Pas vraiment."
not yet → pas encore
"Have you finished?" - "Not yet." → "As-tu fini?" - "Pas encore."
not me → pas moi
Who's going to do the washing-up? Not me → Qui va faire la vaisselle? Pas moi.
not even → même pas
There's not even a pub → Il n'y a même pas de bar.
not just → pas seulement
There is always a black market, not just in Britain → Il y a du marché noir partout, pas seulement en Grande-Bretagne.
not only → non seulement
These movies are not only making money; they were also perceived to be original → Non seulement ces films font de l'argent; ils étaient également considérés comme originaux.
not all
Not all the money had been used wisely → Tout l'argent n'avait pas été utilisé à bon escient.
not every
Not every applicant had a degree → Les candidats n'avaient pas tous de diplôme universitaire.
not one
Not one word was published → Pas un seul mot n'a été publié.
not five yards away → à moins de cinq mètres
not five minutes ago → il y a moins de cinq minutes
Training is an investment, not a cost → La formation est un investissement et non pas un coût.
not because → non pas parce que
not that → non pas que
His death took me a year to get over; not that you're ever really over it → J'ai mis un an à me remettre de son décès; non pas qu'on s'en remette jamais vraiment.
[nɒt] adv → nonhe is not here → non è qui, non c'è
I haven't seen anybody → non ho visto nessuno
it's too late, isn't it? → è troppo tardi, vero? or no?
she will not or won't go → non ci andrà
he asked me not to do it → mi ha chiesto di non farlo
whether you go or not → che tu ci vada o no
not that I don't like him → non che (lui) non mi piaccia
big, not to say enormous → grosso, per non dire enorme
why not? → perché no?
I hope not → spero di no
not at all → niente affatto, per niente (after thanks) → prego, s'immagini
you must not or mustn't do this → non deve fare questo
not one book → neanche un libro
not me/you → io/tu no
not yet → non ancora
see also even, much, only
(not) adverbnot
→ لَا ne ikke nicht δεν no ei pas ne non ・・・でない ... 아니다 niet ikke nie não нет inte ไม่ yok không 不not
- I don't understand
- I don't speak English
- I'm not ready
- I'm not coming
- I don't know
- I don't mind
- It doesn't matter
- It doesn't fit me
- I'm not drinking
- It isn't charging (US)
It's not charging (UK) - I'm not satisfied with this
- The door won't close
- The door won't open
- She can't move
- She didn't yield (US)
She didn't give way (UK) - I'm not on the pill
- I'm not hungry